Hallo people of Ireland,
How have all of you been doing since you left Migombani - Mombasa, Kenya?
I hope and believe that all of you have been well and that you didn't have any problem body-wise for the hard work you did in Migombani.
Anyway, we have been out of communication but I want to break the silence, by saying that we were very grateful for your sacrifice in building the wonderful Polytechnic for us.
To be sincere, this Polytechnic will always remind us of your kindness and generosity to the needy, you really built a lot of HOPE in so many people, in kiswahili we say:- "Mulinjenga Matumeini kwa watu wengi". In deed, the community and people of Migombani can not find a better word to express their appreciation for your sacrifice. All we can say and do is to continue praying for you people of Ireland, that our HEAVENLY FATHER, may open the gates of blessings to you so that you may continue with the good work of helping the needy.
Surely, we cannot forget to send special thanks to your humbled Bishop Willy, Fr. John, Jim, Dr. Rory, Maureen, Ann and of course the Project Co-odinator Madam Olive to mention but a few. All in all, you are just wonderful people humbled like your Bishop Willy, and you do not know how much we miss you.
The Polytechnic has been rather quiet with Mr. Mwangi doing a few chores here and there. When we look at our Nursery school Kids, they are very confortable all because of you, they have mosquito nets on the windows, fans in classes, not forgetting the painting- with this we ask the good "LORD" to remember all of you in a big and special way, blessings in abundance.
We hope to keep in touch and even long to see you again. We love and miss you and hope the "BOND" created between you and us will last for ever and ever. May be I will get a few email addresses of the project commettee members so that you can chat..
For now I have Simon Sunguri's email which is :-[ ssunguri@yahoo.com] Lucy's is:- [mwauralu@yahoo.com.]
Bye for now
Lucy Mwaura